Waterproofing for Tiled Roof Repair

Tiled roofs have been an excellent choice for Homeowners for decades due to their durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. However, even with proper Maintenance, tiled roofs are not immune to wear and tear, especially during harsh weather conditions. The good news is that tiles can be restored and waterproofed to extend their lifespan. This article covers a few waterproofing solutions specifically aimed at Repairing and restoring tiled roofs. Read on to learn more.

Why is Waterproofing Important for Tiled Roofs?

Waterproofing is vital for tiled roofs to prevent damage caused by water leaks. A leaking roof can cause numerous problems, such as mold growth, wood rot, and structural damage. Therefore, waterproofing your tiled roof is essential to keep your home safe from potential damage.

Types of Waterproofing Solutions for Tiled Roofs

Here are some of the most common waterproofing solutions for tiled roofs:

1. Elastomeric Coating

Elastomeric coating is a flexible, rubber-like membrane that is applied to the tiles to create a waterproof barrier. This coating is typically applied in two coats, providing maximum protection for your tiled roof.


  • Elastomeric coatings are flexible, so they can move with the roof tiles and the building’s foundation.
  • It is long-lasting, which means that it will provide protection for several years.
  • It is ideal for both flat and sloped roofs.


  • Elastomeric coating is expensive compared to other waterproofing solutions for tiled roofs.
  • The application process is time-consuming and requires a professional.

2. Tile Sealer

Tile sealer is a liquid solution that is applied to the tiles to create a waterproof layer. The sealant penetrates the porous surface of the tiles, creating a barrier against water infiltration.


  • Tile sealers are relatively cheap compared to other waterproofing solutions.
  • Easy to apply and can be done by DIY enthusiasts.
  • It can enhance the color of tiles and give them a glossy finish.


  • The sealer needs to be applied every few years to maintain protection.
  • The sealer can create a slippery surface, creating a safety hazard for people walking on the roof.

3. Cementitious Coating

Cementitious coating is a mix of water and cement that is applied to the tiles. This solution is used to fill in the cracks between the tiles to create a waterproof barrier.


  • It is relatively cheap and can be applied by DIY enthusiasts.
  • It can fill in small cracks in the tiles, preventing water leaks.


  • It is not ideal for large cracks or significant damage.
  • It is not ideal for horizontal surfaces as it requires a slope for water runoff.

4. Silicone Sealant

Silicone sealant is a flexible, waterproof paste that is used to fill cracks, holes, and gaps in the tiles. This solution is typically used for small repair jobs and not as a waterproofing solution for the entire roof.


  • It is easy to apply and can be done by DIY enthusiasts.
  • Affordable and readily available.


  • It is not ideal for large cracks or significant damage.
  • It may discolor over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I know if my tiled roof needs waterproofing?

A1. The most common sign that a tiled roof needs waterproofing is water leaks. Additionally, if you notice any visible damage to your roof, it may need to be waterproofed.

Q2. Do I need to hire a professional to waterproof my tiled roof?

A2. While some waterproofing solutions can be done by DIY enthusiasts, we recommend hiring a professional to do the job. A professional will ensure that the waterproofing solution is applied correctly, providing maximum protection against water leaks.

Q3. How often should I waterproof my tiled roof?

A3. The frequency of waterproofing depends on the type of waterproofing solution used. In general, waterproofing should be done every 3-5 years to maintain protection.


Waterproofing your tiled roof is essential to prevent water leaks, prolonging the lifespan of your roof. There are several waterproofing solutions available, including elastomeric coatings, tile sealers, cementitious coatings, and silicone sealants. While some solutions can be applied by DIY enthusiasts, we recommend hiring a professional to ensure that the job is done correctly. Remember to waterproof your tiled roof regularly to maintain protection against water leaks.

Cape Town Waterproofing

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